Some Haibun News

I’m using the header picture of the stones to warn you I’m going to be talking poetry, so continue with care if you are not the poetic type.

I submitted a couple of haibun to a magazine in the early hours of this morning, and just nine hours later I had the rejection. It was hardly a surprise. When I saw the answer was back so soon I realised it wasn’t going to be good news. Editors don’t generally rush to acceptance, they like to take their time. A case in point is a piece I currently have out – it took eight weeks to get a reply, which asked me to make alterations. I made the alterations and I’ve now been waiting nearly a month for a decision. Sometimes it’s hard not to be cynical.

Would I rather have an acceptance taking 12 weeks or a rejection taking just nine hours? It’s a tricky question. I don’t really like waiting 12 weeks, but I’m not keen on being rejected either. (I have to add that I’ve waited a lot longer than 12 weeks in the past, so it’s not a terrible length of time. However, haibun magazines in the 21st century seem to be able to get answers out a lot quicker these days).

I’m working on the netbook at the moment whilst watching Judge Dredd (the Stallone version, which I always enjoy) so I can’t access my list of submissions – I’ll report on the numbers later, but I’m in a bit of a slump at the moment.

It is therefore pleasant to tell you that The Haibun Journal is out. It’s a print publication from Ireland and much more relaxing to read than a web page. Of course, with postage costing a small fortune from the Republic of Ireland, it’s a lot more expensive than a web page, but you can’t have everything. I’m on page 59. Unfortunately I can’t provide a link, and it’s not really etiquette to reproduce haibun so soon after publication, so you’ll have to wait a bit.

I am in the magazine with three people who, in their editorial capacities, have recently rejected work from me. I can’t help feeling that there’s an element of irony in this.

And with that thought, I’m off. I clearly have to do more reading in my quest for the perfect haibun.

Update: This currently leaves me with 4 acceptances, six rejections and two still waiting – not as good as it was, but it could be a lot worse. Last year was five from eight and the year before that was about four from eight, but I didn’t keep a proper record.ย 

41 thoughts on “Some Haibun News

  1. Helen

    Iโ€™m biting my nails for you!

    How lovely to read something on paper. I was going to say I mis such events but then I do still read books in paper form ๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. quercuscommunity Post author

      ๐Ÿ™‚ I find that as I get older the well lit pages and large type of Kindles are easier to read. ๐Ÿ™‚ But yes, I’d forgotten how nice it was to be in proper print.

      1. Helen

        Well lit pages and large font sound good reasons to use a Kindle ๐Ÿ˜Š.

        I tried reading online books through the library but it lacked the magic of a paper book. Perhaps itโ€™s because I associate devices so much with work…..

      2. quercuscommunity Post author

        That is possible. I can’t say I enjoy the Kindle as much as a proper book, but it is a lot easier and I am reading less as I find it more difficult. I always associate stopping reading with starting to die, and would like to put that off for a while! ๐Ÿ™‚

      3. Helen

        Iโ€™m sorry that you have a challenge with the light. Iโ€™d not heard of this phenomenon before but just read up about it on the Harvard website. So far I havenโ€™t noticed any problems with my night vision and fingers crossed I donโ€™t have to give up night driving.

        Back to reading, Iโ€™d recommend a craft light. Something like this might help:

        My parents have them for the crafting they do – theirs might a magnifier as well. They gave me one and a bonus is that they give off heat so I donโ€™t need the heating on as much ๐Ÿ˜Š

      4. quercuscommunity Post author

        I have a couple of lights I use for reading but I can’t get them positioned properly. When we have the rewiring done I will get a new light.

        I don’t have to give up night driving yet, but it definitely isn’t as easy as it used to be.

      5. Helen

        Iโ€™m glad on both counts, Simon.

        One thing I would add is that you can also get lamps which stand on the floor. They have longer leads so can be positioned around the room. My sister was the first to get one for her crafting and stands by her armchair.

        Anyway, when is the rewiring happening?

  2. tootlepedal

    The yes/no ratio doesn’t look too bad to me. Just having written that many haibuns (I am assuming that they are all different) seems pretty good work to me.

  3. Lavinia Ross

    Congratulations on the Haibun Journal acceptance, Quercus. Keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing a published book of all your own poetry someday. You have it in you!

  4. navasolanature

    Well, some success, but constant waiting is frustrating. I am on a third major rewrite with some editorial input but not near enough to publication. But perhaps there should be just the pleasure of creating but nice to be read though!


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