A Limerick (2)

It has just been brought to my attention in the previous post, by John, of John’s Postcards that a large number of people mispronounce the word scone. It’s not their fault. They have clearly been badly counselled at some time in the past and have failed to correct the error. It doesn’t make them bad people, just misguided, and I decided to write a limerick for them too.

A Mainer, who is quite well known,

noted winter had been knocked from its throne.

She’d grown tired of muffins

and decided that nothing

could compare to a Great British scone.

It’s wrong, and I probably shouldn’t encourage them in their heresy, but in the end I like scones for the way they taste, not how they sound.


22 thoughts on “A Limerick (2)

  1. Ellen Hawley

    You’re bold, treading on this dangerous territory. I’ve lived in Britain long enough to figure out that when the British get tired of arguing about Brexit (and I’m waiting anxiously for that to happen) they argue about how to pronounce scone,

    1. quercuscommunity

      Good question. I have an opinion but no actual answer. My normal pronunciation would rhyme it with a gooseberry from Dewsbury but it would be more amusing to rhyme it with Lord Rosebery. At that point I run out of rhymes.

  2. jodierichelle

    I appreciate the effort to be inclusive of the mispronouncers, of which I am one. This reads much better. But I know I am wrong and I will try to adjust my ways. How about you run your country and I will run mine and we’ll all get along?

  3. Laurie Graves

    What a way to brighten a cold, windy day! Alas, I, too, pronounce it like throne. I know better, but whenever I have tried to pronounce scones the right way, I am always corrected on how to say it the wrong way. I have given up! By the by, any advice for making scones?

    1. quercuscommunity

      There is no right way to pronounce scone – they are all wrong to somebody.

      Handle the dough as little as possible. Pat them down (no rolling), cut with a well-floured cutter (press it straight down, don’t twist, as this twisting will make them rise unevenly). careful with the baking powder.

      Alternatively, ignore what everybody tells you – I have confidence in your ability to make good scones! 🙂

      Then enjoy them!


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