A Wednesday of Mixed Fortunes

The photos today are a robin perching on a bucket. It spent all day in the polytunnel in the MENCAP gardens yesterday and seemed quite happy to share the space with the group. The blackbird which was also in there was not comfortable and spent several minutes bouncing off the walls before escaping. That, I suppose, is why robins appear on Christmas cards and blackbirds get baked into pies.

Julia managed to get these two shots which, I think, are cheered considerably by the bucket. It’s a shame the robin didn’t pose for her, but you can’t have everything.

Today has not been conducive to deep thought. I have spoken to the central appointments people t o establish why I didn’t get my telephone appointment yesterday and, as expected, they told me that it was meant to be a face to face appointment.

“When I rang before I was told it was a telephone appointment.” I said.

“Ah, let me look. No, it was changed.”


“Er . . .”

I summarise, but you get the general idea. It had taken me over half an hour to get connected and I was due for my blood test so I had to cut things short without getting an answer. No change there, I swear that customer services training in the NHS is 90% about not answering or incriminating yourself.

The blood test went well, so things weren’t all bad. Now we just need to see what the results look like. They weren’t good last week.

Finally, I’ve been looking at houses for sale in Country Life Magazine. Two of the week’s selection have moats. These are not just ordinary houses. I’m not sure I need a moat, as it just seems like a step too far in both gardening and Health & Safety terms. I like this one – the former home of Sir Quentin Blake, famous illustrator.

Robin on a Bucket – photo by Julia.

14 thoughts on “A Wednesday of Mixed Fortunes

    1. quercuscommunity Post author

      When you are my aga and in the hands of Urology, you worry about quite a lot of things. Where are they going to shove that camera? is one of my main concerns. 🙂

  1. Lavinia Ross

    Quentin Blake’s former home looks lovely, but a tad too much regarding the general cleaning and upkeep. “-)

    Glad to hear the blood test went well. Onward!


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