Technology Troubles

Two in one day – I am spoiling you.

I see there’s a button on the bar above my writing which promises “Distraction-free Writing Mode”. I just pressed it but the kids next door are still shouting so it is obviously another WP lie. I was hoping for a flash of lightning followed by silence.

Looking at the row of buttons, I’ve just realised I don’t know what most of them do. Even worse, from the point of view of the perpetually curious child that used to live in my head, I don’t care. I have more technology than I need. This is a sad day for me.

However, having realised this, I think I may stop writing and do some cookery. Pasta bake beckons. It’s nutritious, easy, cheap and can contain both salmon (which I have) and cheese (which I like). Actually, I will reheat the salmon fillet and let Julia have it all. I will stick to pasta bake without salmon. it’s not unselfish of me, I just don’t like salmon that much and would rather have vegetables. On the other hand, it’s been there a few days now and if it poisons her I will look bad. I might have to share it just to give myself an alibi. Life is full of difficult choices.

Photo by Anna Shvets on

I’ve actually been looking at the idea of taking Omega 3 pills. It’s the option for  man who wants Omega 3 but doesn’t really like fish. But, I ask myself, do I want Omega 3 so much that I’m willing to buy pills. Probably not.

Anyway, I have enough pill problems at the moment. My INR shot up according to my latest result and I’ve been told to miss a day before starting Warfarin again. This will be the effect of the steroid I have been taking, which is very annoying. Having to make a choice between breathing or bleeding is very difficult.

My phone just stopped working. It happened yesterday but I didn’t realise, just switched to using the shop landline and assumed it was a temporary glitch. Today it still wouldn’t connect, and we now have no landline.Yes, it was time for our old friend “switch it off then switch it back on again”. I never had to do that with my old Nokia. Bloody technology!

Photo by Anna Shvets on

19 thoughts on “Technology Troubles

  1. Pingback: Technology Troubles – عنوان الموقع

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  3. tootlepedal

    “Having to make a choice between breathing or bleeding is very difficult.” – Nicely expressed. On balance I would probably go for breathing and wrap up well.

      1. quercuscommunity Post author

        Invaded us and stayed for bout 350 years. However, they don’t appear to have had pasta at the time. It was first noted about 1200 and didn’t become widely available until the 1700s according to my internet search. We were still on bread and turnips at that point because potatoes didn’t arrive until after Columbus.

      2. quercuscommunity Post author

        More history – The Roman soldiers ate bread like the hard tack used by later armies. They were cooked twice to preserve them and were known as biscotti (twice cooked) – hence biscuits.


        At one time I used to be quite good on the histopry of food, but I forget a lot now. 🙂

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