Another of those days…

I’m struggling for things to say. When you finally come face to face with our Covid testing system, it’s not that good. Julia’s arrangements have now been altered so she will be provided with one of the kits that has to be sent off to the lab. You have to find a priority post box for that. Priority Post Box, you ask. Exactly. It took ten minutes on the internet with a selection of useless links before I found any.

There are 35,000 in the country. Or 15.000 if you are posting on Saturday or Sunday. And you have to post the sample at least an hour before the last collection time – so no later than 4pm, and in some cases earlier. Most people are still at work at that time.

It’s not my idea of “priority”.

As for getting a test, you have to have symptoms. If I had symptoms I wouldn’t bother driving down to a testing station and shoving a cotton wool bud up my nose, I’d just stay at home in bed with a Lemsip. If you are asymptomatic I would have thought that was when you needed the test.

I will be returning to work next week as the owner has thought of a new way of doing things and we will be rearranging stock. I am not terribly keen, as I was enjoying my time off, but I can’t keep sitting at home and being paid for doing nothing.

Meanwhile, the post arrived. That cheered me up. Or it would have done if it had been what I originally thought it was. Unfortunately, the miniature medals with paperwork didn’t have any paperwork with them and the copy of the poetry magazine with my poem in it turned out to be a copy of a different magazine.

It is going to be one of those days.

39 thoughts on “Another of those days…

  1. Helen

    I am increasingly unable to listen to the news. Itโ€™s not the fault of the news of course, it is what it is. But having acquired a bundle of new books, Iโ€™m rather indulge in a good paper back with a story set in the 14th century. Apart from being fiction, it was a long time ago.

    1. quercuscommunity Post author

      I know some people who are still leaving it a couple of days before opening the post. I didn’t send my uncle a card for his 90th birthday last year because I was afraid of the possibility of sending an infection. By Christmas my caution had worn off…

      1. Helen

        My parents still leave post for a couple of days. I donโ€™t – or target I often do because… who wants open letters from the bank ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. charliecountryboy

    As Sooty said on Friday, “I don’t understand any of this.” To which my reply was. “Don’t worry, Sooty, none of us do.” Keep plodding on, Quercus, that’s all we can do. I hope Julia’s test is negative, that’s if you ever get it back ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. quercuscommunity Post author

      ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ One of my mates travelled 60 miles for a test in the early days of testing. Tey lost the result. The next offer of a test was 3 miles away, adding insult to injury. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. quercuscommunity Post author

        Yes, one day…

        A we sit in our cave, sheltering from the radiation and the politicians we will refer to these as the good old days.

        I can hardly wait.

  3. Lavinia Ross

    Good luck with the test results. Give Julia our best. Take some comfort in that the U.K. is far more organized on this front than we are on this side of the Big Pond.

  4. Laurie Graves

    Generally, symptoms appear in three to six days. (There are always exceptions, of course.) How many days has it been since Julia was exposed? Anyway, keeping you two in my thoughts. So glad you are keeping us updated.

      1. quercuscommunity Post author

        HEad Office, in London, in an office with no clients (they regard themselves as a lobbying group rather than a charity actually dealing with people) has told them they have to keep going to ensure they are earning money.

      2. quercuscommunity Post author

        Yes, but the Health & Safety is not great in an old building with a lot of people with a mental age about 8 years old. It can be a bit tricky. People with learning disabilities were exempt from wearing masks originally…

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