Tag Archives: women only magazines

Day 67 (Part 2)

I nearly go ahead of myself there, and was about to write “Day 68”.  Fortunately I double checked and, after using a calendar,  was able to correct myself. My number mania has, I thin, gone far enough. If I can’t cope with numbers larger than 67 I am going to have  a tough time as w enter the summer. Time, I think, to put an end to it after this one.

Of course, as I begin to write the next post, I may have second thoughts . . .

As part of the last post I read an article of originality. Most of it wasn’t particularly gripping, but I did notice one tip, which is one I have tried to use in recent years – Triple the Amount of Work You Produce. I have tried to work harder in the last few years, though not three times as hard, and feel this is the best advice I have seen. It agrees with my thoughts (so it must be good) and it seems to have helped me in recent years.

In checking my days, I also found it was British Pie Week. What  a magnificent day to be alive. What could possible make it better? Well, how about knowing that this week exists? They were going to have it in January but they didn’t quite get round to it. You know how it is . . .

Of course, I haven’t lost track of it being International Women’s Day. How could I, with it being advertised on TV and loads of women banging on about it?

I’ve just been looking at lists of poetry magazines with a view to submitting. There are several I can’t submit to. Why? Because they are only for women. In fact, using Google, there are over 40  of them.

I had a quick check for magazines that only accept submissions from men. Can’t find one.

Tell, me again, I said to Julia, as I was telling her about this and supervising her washing the pots (see, men can multi-task), what is this equality of which you speak?