Tag Archives: organised crime

The Unripe Avocado

Wonders will never cease. This is probably the first time I’ve got round to using an avocado before it was slightly on the turn. Normally I forget them and remember just in time. Or cut the brown bits out. This one, however, was not ripe, and I could tell as I cut it. Eventually, having chopped it small, I did render it edible, but we put the second one out in the fruit bowl to ripen.

I always feel slightly guilty when eating avocadoes. I know I need variety in my diet and I know they have many useful vitamins. But I also know that, like many things, they have a carbon footprint and a problematic production history. However, they are good for me and they taste nice.

This morning I had a blood test, went to the jeweller (watch battery and new strap), called at a charity shop for Julia to buy jigsaws for her MENCAP group and came home for the avocado.

That’s it. Not a very adventurous day, but more adventurous than I have been for ages. I was tempted by fast food while we were out but my resolve held firm and we are fitter and healthier as a result and will, eventually, be thinner. As I told myself, it is only one small fall from grace to eat a burger, but each small fall adds up to me putting weight on again.

Each small success adds up.

It’s just like blogging. Each unlikely event, no matter how small, becomes something to write about. Even an avocado that isn’t ripe.

There is no photo, I ate the evidence and the remaining one, until I cut it, is just an avocado. Not ripe, not unripe . . .

Or is it?

The picture is from earlier times.

KFC Mapperley Nottingham – my enemy