Tag Archives: fed up with politicians and trouble

If You Are Easily Depressed I’d Give This One a Miss

The day came. The day went. The remains of it are currently trying to sneak past without me noticing. Somehow, nothing has happened and the day would be recorded, if I could be bothered, in the column headed “As days go, this one as a waste of air and light.”

That is, of course, a very self-centred view of the world. If I lived in Kiev or Gaza, it would have been a very eventful day. I’m afraid that, having known Russia as an aggressor all my life, and having seen endless trouble in the Middle East, my basic humanity has been worn to a mere stub. Probably there is a blogger in Russia, has known the West as an aggressor all his life. We would probably get on fine if we started to communicate. I honestly have very little interest in politics. There are probably bloggers in Gaza and Israel who would get on fine if their respective governments could stop killing people.

Should I feel guilty about this, or do other people also find their stocks of compassion  running out?

I’m seriously thinking of engraving my memoirs on sheets of titanium, sealing them in an airtight box, burying them in concrete and then challenging all the world leaders to start a nuclear war. In the short term it will be bad, but if you think of it as pressing the reset button it’s not the worst idea I’ve ever had. I’m not sure that we deserve a planet when you see how we act. In a couple of thousand years the Earth will be green again, people in caves will start killing each other with sticks and stones in disputes about land and a time traveller will dig up a big box of titanium pages . . .

Or is that the script of Planet of the Apes?

Medals from 100 years of warfare . . .