Tag Archives: Covid symptoms

Study Number 1 - The Idiot

2nd Post Sunday

The last post was one that came to mind this afternoon while I was making soup. It was fitted in between jobs and I have posted it in a break in my vegetable roasting schedule. I’m going to see how far I get with this one. I have ten minutes to go before I take the pan out of the oven, check it and then make the gravy. “Make the gravy” in this instance, means pour boiling water onto granules. I rarely make proper gravy these days.

Covid continues to grip, even though I am no longer ill or infectious. I am still very tired, and I am still coughing. The coughing can be painful and dry or, as they say in cough mixture adverts “productive”. I don’t mind that, as at least it’s doing something. The dry hacking is merely painful, and has been going on so long that it hurts the bones in my face and skull. I hope it’s that, anyway. If it isn’t it’s a whole new development in my arthritis and I don’t think I’d like that.

At least the runny nose seems to have stopped. I’ve never known anything like it. A couple of days ago I had to type with a towel worn as a scarf/bib, to collect the nasal discharge. I won’t discuss it further, but it’s the worst I’ve ever had and it took place several days after I became negative for Covid. I remember that the cough persisted last time, but this time I’ve had more symptoms hanging on. That’s the trouble with Covid – it doesn’t know when to quit. At least I don’t seem to have any lingering mental dullness this time.

That reminds me –

  1. Book Covid vaccination
  2.  Book flu vaccination
  3. Check on shingles vaccination

No wonder old people retire – it must be impossible to hold down a job with all the blood tests, vaccinations and other stuff.

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com