Dreams and Easy Writing

After struggling yesterday I am feeling prolific this morning. The main difference, I think, is quality of sleep, though I may also be spurred into action today by the feeling that I wasted a day yesterday.

I also had a very strange dream last night, relating to buying cheap jeans in India, and attracting the wrath of a local gang boss for not buying his. I do not have a clue what it was about, or why I would want to break the habit of the last 40 years and start wearing jeans again. I have never been to India, have no experience of criminal gangs and, on checking, did not sleep through a programme about India, crime or jeans. It is a mystery.

Clitheroe from the castle

The one from the night before may have a meaning, however. In that one I took part in a cycle race from Mansfield to Nottingham. I was up with the leading group at one time despite the woeful lack of gears and the presence of a wicker shopping basket on my bike.

Next thing I knew, I was lost in the dark and nobody would give me directions to Clitheroe. Those of you who know about such things will doubtless wonder how I got so badly lost that I ended up around 100 miles North-West of where i wanted to be. I don’t know. Students of deep psychological stuff may wonder how my journey veered from being within a few miles of my current home to ending up desperately searching for one of my favourite childhood homes.

Me, I’m wondering why I was a on a bike. I’m not built for either cycling or Lycra. Particularly Lycra.

Now, I suppose, I should grapple with the NHS again, as previously discussed, and see about rebooking that appointment.

Bin raiding squirrel at Clitheroe Castle.

10 thoughts on “Dreams and Easy Writing

  1. Lavinia Ross

    Dream state can be a vast and very strange place. Sometimes feels like one is an antenna for late night TV or radio, the signal getting mixed in with what the mind is already concocting.. 🙂

    1. quercuscommunity Post author

      Some of my most vivid dreams occur when I sleep with the TV on. 🙂 They should be good as many of them owe a lot of their content to award winning writers and expensive production teams. 🙂

  2. jodierichelle

    Ha! Your dream examination was hilarious. I think we all have dreams that, although riveting, are totally incomprehensible.

    Love the squirrel in the trash bin.

    1. quercuscommunity Post author

      Yes, it was one of the highlights of the day. They are a bit like rats with cute tails, but it’s hard to dislike them.

      My dreams are often based on things I’ve thought about recently, but put together in a confusing way. It’s a bit like listening to politicians – the words are English but the way they are used make no sense. 🙂

      1. quercuscommunity Post author

        I’m becoming less tolerant as I get older, and am starting to think that we should start a programme for returning to the past and sterilising the parents of certain politicians. It’s early days yet. I may start by suggesting we start on current politicians as a precautionary measure.

  3. tootlepedal

    I have dreams a bit like that and I often have very detailed encounters in places that I don’t recognise at all. Where these places come from is a mystery. I like the wicker basket. That is a neat touch from the subconscious.


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