Tales of Senior Moments

My shoulders and elbows were aching last night. I first thought it was my arthritis playing up, but it didn’t feel right. Then I decided that I was going down with something fluish, but I didn’t continue to decline so it wasn’t that either. After that I started to worry about RSI, but I couldn’t see what I’d done to bring it on. The obvious thing, which came to me this afternoon, is that yesterday I’d walked quite a distance (for me) and it was  down to my use of sticks. It’s bad enough being ill, without having to work out what it is.

Something amusing happened last night, though I didn’t tell you about it at the time. I was seeking to expand my education by watching a programme on the Sky Channel about Mark Rothko. At one point I became very confused when they were talking about his early life in Ireland. I ws sure he’d grown up in Oregon. After a few seconds I realised that I’d fallen asleep and missed the end of the Rothko programme, wakening part way through the following programme on Jack Yeats. He did have an early life in Ireland.

I’m falling asleep too much. I fell asleep during the talk at the Numismatic Society on Monday night, though only two people seem to have noticed. I was listening to the introduction to the Roman coin hoards of Britain, then next thing I knew, I was struggling to keep up as the speaker spoke of several concepts I hadn’t noticed earlier on. That, of course, was because I’d slept through them.

I really need to get a grip.

Robin Hood lurking in the Forest

12 thoughts on “Tales of Senior Moments

  1. Lavinia Ross

    A good night’s sleep and adequate hydration might help a little with the falling asleep during things. I seem less inclined to drift off if I have had a good night’s sleep and have had a power nap before whatever the event is. Naps are good. I like to think of them as Power Naps. I learned that from the cats. 🙂

      1. Lavinia Ross

        From a cardiac standpoint alone (I have learned this), good sleep is crucial. Having been a caregiver, sleep was always took a backseat, and my sleep was highly fragmented. Lack of sleep does take a toll on body, and mind as it affects all the body’s systems. Good sleep habits are well worth the effort involved.

      2. quercuscommunity Post author

        I have been altering my sleep habits towards a better pattern, but with my urology problems I can’t avoid getting up three or four times a night. I can control that a little, but only at the cost of dehydration. That’s the magic of the human body – nothing works in isolation. With some effort and an operation in the spring I will probably be in better shape to finally get back to sleeping properly. 🙂

    1. quercuscommunity Post author

      Yes, there is obviously some sort of trigger in the commentary as I do that too. I love using two sticks as I feel secure at all times. I can be a bit wobbly with just the one. Ah, the delights of age!

  2. tootlepedal

    Yes if I walk too far with my walking poles, I end up with sore shoulders. It is annoying as they making walk much safer.
    Don’t talk of senior moments. I enthusiastically agreed to go to a social occasion recently and then completely forgot about it.

      1. tootlepedal

        I would suggest giving the poles a go. They may seem rather spindly but they do wonderful things for your balance when you are comfortable with them and walking is less tiring as a result. It took me a bit to get used to the two pole walking method.

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