Vaccination and Internet Shopping

It was a reasonable day at the shop and Julia arrived around 3pm with a box of mince pies. We had already had date and banana cake provided by the owner’s wife, so it was a Great Cake Day.

We closed early and consequently turned up for our vaccinations 45 minutes before the appointment time. They agreed to do us early and we were duly seen and punctured. We waited a few minutes, felt fine and set off for the next appointment, which was Julia’s meeting. Because we were early we found it easier to travel and, as my memory of side streets returned, I ws able to slip through town, drop Julia off and get home without too much queuing.

Heron at Arnot Hill Park

She eventually returned to find me snoring in a chair. And they say romance is dead . . .

I just amended the Friday shopping order. It seemed wrong in several ways – things missing that I was sure I had ordered and things on the list I thought I’d decided not to order. I thought it must be a case of sloppy button pushing, but when I went to check out it turns out that I’d been amending the 23rd December order, not the 1st December order. This is irksome but a very 1st World problem. I have plenty of time to do the Christmas order.

Wooden man at Arnot Hill Park, Arnold

What does worry me is that the two orders were so similar that I didn’t notice I was in the wrong one. They do say that shopping online makes you order a much narrower range of items, which is a bad thing as you need variety. It’s a problem I will have to address in future orders.

That is enough for now – time for a cup of tea, a bit of TV and an early night with a hot water bottle. I put the cover on my windscreen so am feeling a little smug regarding the issue of frost tonight.

Heron woodcarving – Arnot Hill Park

7 thoughts on “Vaccination and Internet Shopping

  1. Pingback: When Did You Notice You Were Getting Old? | quercuscommunity

  2. tootlepedal

    Good to see a heron. I can empathise with your shopping confusion. I spent some time this morning making a complete mess of my ‘foolproof’ system to ensure that I take my medicine every other day.

    1. quercuscommunity Post author

      Yes, it seems like such an easy thing to do. I am starting to keep a diary. Most of mine is daily, which is easier (but still not foolproof) but one is weekly and one is every two weeks. Every so often I realise I have messed up again.

  3. Lavinia Ross

    Arnot Hill Park looks like an interesting place to visit. The wood carvings, especially the face in the tree are very good.

    Mr. Grumpy’s cousin looks a bit sad there.


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