This Moment

I have hit on a productive creative strategy – thinking whilst putting my socks on. After a certain amount of success with the technique yesterday, I managed to think about three projects this morning, including synopses and a few lines. Full of confidence, I set off down the stairs and, en route, completely forgot one of the pieces. Not only can I not recall the plan and lines, I can’t even remember the subject.

Fortunately two of them survived and the lesson about always having a pen and notebook available has been driven home. The trouble is that I either find myself with no notebook or too many notebooks. I am actually struggling with too many at the moment. I completed taking the notes from one last night but have one big book to do next and a few shorter notes to retrieve from other books. I can have as many as six or seven other books – upstairs, car, work, desk, living room, spares…

Then. like this morning, I can have none where I want them.

Nothing much else has happened today. I’ve dressed, thought, made two of the three notes I meant to make, had breakfast, read a few poems, checked a few things on Wiki, wrote a comment on  a website and wrote this. Time goes, but nothing of consequence has been done.

I will now have another cup of tea, sit by the fire with an A4 pad and start to plan. After lunch (which will probably be soup and sandwiches) I must do something of consequence.

Alternatively I may watch Murder She Wrote.

“ It is the season for wine, roses and drunken friends. Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”

Omar Khayyam

16 thoughts on “This Moment

  1. tootlepedal

    Master the voice activated note pad on your phone and reading handwriting will be a thing of the past. Of course, deciphering the gibberish which the app claims that you said may be more tricky.

    1. quercuscommunity Post author

      Master it? I didn’t know I had it! I did buy a voice recorder from Amazon but it was so small I can’t work the buttons properly, so that was not a good buy, even at £11.

  2. Bitchy After 60

    I usually have my cell phone in my pocket or very close by. I have taken to sending myself emails when ideas hit. If not they are lost in minutes. Especially in the middle of the night. No need to turn in the light.

  3. Lavinia Ross

    Enjoy the day, Quercus and Julia!

    It is overcast and threatening rain here, but I still might get the brush pile I made cut up and taken out back. Or I might do some reading. 🙂

      1. quercuscommunity Post author

        That’s good – the satisfaction of two jobs done and the knowledge you have taken exercise for the body and soul. Plus you have cats. Definitely a good day. 🙂

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