Yes, I’m Moaning Again

I’ve decided to adopt a single resolution for this year. I am going to fill my time by doing more things.

While we were on the farm, I thought about taking qualifications in Fund Raising, as it seemed a decent career, and something worth doing. For various reasons, including laziness, I didn’t do it. Two years later, after we were ejected from the farm, I regretted not having anything to fall back on.

My career trajectory has been somewhat downward in the last few years, and had been level rather than upward for many years previously. Though I managed over 25 years of being self-employed, a lot of that time was spent in a variety of pursuits which included “getting by” and “surviving”. These do not look as good on a job application as being a highly motivated self-starter with a degree and a range of expertise in things I’ve never heard of.

I also thought that blogging would be a good thing to do, and would add to my range of  digital skills. I’ve just been looking at the job requirements for a Communication Officer, and find that writing a blog about age, idleness and life in a shop, does not really qualify me for the job. What they seem to be looking for is a PR Professional or journalist who has a great personality, stellar track record and financial skills (because the jobs seems to include finance too) and is prepared to work for an hourly rate which is probably the same as my current one. I would admittedly get more hours but I would have to drive further to get to work.

I fear that life, employment and the modern world have all passed me by.

Those of you who have read the blog for a while will know all this and may have picked up a hint in the last paragraph but one. Yes, I have been thinking of applying for another job. It would be full time so I’d be paid more and it’s with an organisation that I admire, but it sems like a lot of hassle to go through just to be rejected in favour of a young person with better qualifications.

Yes, I know I’m being negative, but being negative doesn’t mean I’m wrong.

And that’s why I’m going to work harder. It won’t get me a job, but it will go some way to redressing my 61 wasted years.

Photographs today are banknotes. We did a lot of banknotes today. I will probably write more about banknotes later. And then I will go to bed and dream about them.


Banknotes of Bhutan

14 thoughts on “Yes, I’m Moaning Again

    1. quercuscommunity

      I would like to think so. If there was any justice in the world I would be writing this from Mnte Carlo whilst waiting for the Knights and the Tootlepedals to pop round for drinks on the terrace and a chance to set the world to rights. 🙂

  1. Pingback: Banknotes, banknotes, banknotes… | quercuscommunity

    1. quercuscommunity

      It’s an illusion – we always think other people write better. The more I read books on creative writing, the more I realise my deficiencies. I’ll probably apply anyway, just to show I still have hope.

    1. quercuscommunity

      I can see how that would work. I once had a dream where I was attacked by a giant rat and woke up screaming and grasping my own leg. The “jaws” were my own hands. Strange things happen in our heads at night.

      I hope you have now recovered from the fright. 🙂


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