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Tuesday – Diary of a Lazy Husband

Photo by Kirsten Bu00fchne on

Another rough night, and again it was caused by sleeping too much in front of the TV, worry and waterworks. I really should learn to mange my sleep better.

There was a news item about the seals at Donna Nook that I mentioned yesterday. Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust is going to start charging and will limit the number of people who can visit. Surprisingly, they are nearly all sold out for the current week, despite the report being of a handful of seals and just one pup. It’s free this week, which may explain it. No, I just checked Saturday – it’s £10 and they only have one slot left. Next Tuesday it’s £7.50 and they have about 200 slots left.

We won’t be going. We aren’t allowed to travel out of the area due to our Level 3 status.

I’m not saying that the current Covid situation is great for people who like rules and people who want to profiteer, but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…

Took Julia to work and nipped to the jewellers. I caught my wedding ring on something and created a small spike last week Like a broken tooth, it’s a small thing, but you keep going back to it. They filed it down and polished it for me, so all is right with the world. “Nipping” to the jewellers consisted of staying two hours and drinking three cups of tea. I’m not sure how that squares up with our new Level 3 status, but we are almost a social bubble anyway.

They had a customer who entered the shop carrying a mask. “Do I have to put this on?” he asked. Well, if you’ve gone to the trouble of carrying it, you may as well wear it, I thought.

I went to TESCO after that and bought some of Julia’s favourite food. It’s our anniversary soon, though I can never remember the actual date. I did know it once, but it has become hazy over the years. If I do a few things around the right date she will never guess I’ve forgotten. Numbers aren’t my strong point.

Two members of staff were working amongst customers without masks – one of them had one, but was wearing it under his chin.

They had celeriac in stock so I bought one. I’ve been trying to get one for about six weeks and when I try online I can never get one.

Back home – the blood test results were waiting. I missed a few doses in the last week or two because somebody (and I point no fingers) tidied my Warfarin away and I ran out before I could get another supply. I took a few extra in the last five days and managed to boost my level to 2.0. My acceptable range is 2.0 – 3.0 so I only just scraped in. Next test, January 2021. I am happy.

Wrote a piece on haibun titles (after doing an hour or so of reading articles on the internet) and washed up. Ate stew leftovers for a late lunch and reached for the wrong bottle. It wasn’t too bad with ketchup, though the first mouthful was a bit of a surprise.

That leaves me about an hour to make the house look like I’ve been decluttering. Wish me luck!

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