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Snapshot of a Boring Life



The “in” thing in weather forecasting seems to be “polar vortex”. We were given warning of one last night, issued with a yellow snow warning and threatened with the “Beast from the West”. Even if you ignore the sniggering around yellow snow it’s hard to see “Beast from the West” as a frightening headline. It’s the last gasp of a second-rate sensationalist who is struggling to come up with a headline to rival the eternal Brexit stories.

“Pest from the West” could be controversial, so that is out. “Best from the West” sounds like the tag line from a hotel advert and zest, jest and test all lack menace…

I may have settled with “Cold night – might be snow in Scotland”. You can see why I have never been headhunted by a newspaper.

I would also go with Yellow Warning for Snow, or even Amber, as amber is the traditional colour between red and green.

Down round Nottingham we are enjoying breezy but reasonably pleasant weather.

I’m going shopping soon.

I’m unlikely to suffer from excitement today.


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