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I like parcels

It was busy on the lane today. First  we startled a charm of goldfinches, then we had to pull over for the farm telehandler and finally for a post office van as it left the farm.

We already had one parcel, which was delivered to the house on Friday, and there was another waiting for us in the centre. It’s just like Christmas, though I’m not sure that I’d have asked Santa for a pamphlet of sausage recipes or a large poster of pork joints.

It’s a very nice pamphlet, with some mouth-watering pictures and a foreword reminding us about British Sausage Week. I could remain lost in the pamphlet and website for ages – they even have a page on sausage etiquette. I don’t know about you, but my mind is going through a number of possibilities at this point…

The other parcel has our wild flower kits from Kew, including guides, markers, seeds and bee houses. It’s a good scheme and we are going to be using it as one of our main activities – from preparing the beds to reporting on the flowers and the insects they attract. I’m making a new page for projects with a sub-page for Growing Wild. As usual, because I haven’t made a new page for some months, I’ve been struggling to remember how to do it. Fortunately it came back to me.

The group has had a busy morning helping with lambing, collecting eggs, recapturing one of the Light Sussex (which had escaped notice on Friday when we rounded up the other escapees) and looking at the Nottingham Peregrines via the web link.

This afternoon we will be putting new bedding in the poultry so they are clean and fresh for our visitors tomorrow, and planting seeds.


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