Kew – Grow Wild


The kit

This is the page about our Grow Wild project. It’s not much of a page yet, but, like the flowers, it will grow as the year progresses.

Wednesday 5th April 

We prepared and planted the new wild flower bed today in the area outside the kitchen. It took some quick work between showers but it all went well in the end. Not sure if you can see it in the picture but this is the bed with the washing up bowl pond in the corner, so it should be a veritable wildlife haven by summer.


Monday 4th April

The seeds were delivered from Kew at the end of last week and we showed them to the group today. We planted some in large pots in the polytunnel, and will use them in the activity area on Open Farm Sunday. This means that the pots won’t be available when I want to do mini carrots again this year but Julia tells me that this was what I signed up for when we got married. I can’t actually remember saying that I had to share my plant pots, but such is life.