Day 24

Years ago, when Russia invaded Afghanistan (oh,  life seemed so simple in those days) someone put a letter through my door, detailing the seriousness of the situation, the fact that I may be needed to answer my country’s call, and various other semi-official hings. I was feeling quite concerned until I got to the final sentence – “Due to recent cut-backs in Defence spending, we would be grateful if you could provide your own gun.”

I never found out who sent it, but it was amusing at the time. Less amusing now, after British troops have died in several wars because they didn’t have enough equipment.

The writing is still going slowly. This post has taken me half an hour already, though a lot of that has been checking the internet for “research”. As for the poetry, it’s hard to write when you are asleep in font of the TV.

It’s not so much a case of writer’s block (which I am convinced does not exist) but a case of bad sleep habits and lack of focus. If I stayed off eBay and got to bed at a decent time I would be able o write more prolifically. Simple really – there’s only so much time in a day and you have to use it wisely. Over Christmas I allowed myself to stay up later and that led to me sleeping in late, meaning I felt wide awake at bedtime. Or sleeping in front of the TV, with the same result. That, in turn, meant I wasn’t sleeping enough at nights and when I went back to work I found I’d established a bad habit. Why are they always so much easier to establish than good ones?

Anyway, that’s enough words. I’m off to bed now before I get my second wind and start doing something else instead of sleeping.

There have been some great sunrises on the way to work recently (admittedly interspersed by some miserable grey ones). The picture is one I took a few years ago.

We have ben spotting a cormorant regularly on the way to work too. It seems to take up position on a lamp post and gaze down at the canal. We have seen it perching, and flying to its perch, but have not yet seen it fish in the canal.

I went through 1,500 photos without finding a cormorant, but I did find these photos of silver Britannia coins, taken a few years ago. Somehow, I just couldn’t get the balance right last time I photographed a new set we had for sale. Maybe my camera is wearing out, or maybe I am . . .

Silver Britannia coin

Silver Britannia coin

Silver Britannia coin

Silver Britannia coin

Silver Britannia coin


10 thoughts on “Day 24

  1. tootlepedal

    The coin photos are good. Did you use a tripod or did you just have a steady hand?

    I hope that you got a good night’s sleep and awoke refreshed and ready to leap into action.

    1. quercuscommunity Post author

      Form a man of my general decrepitude I have remarkably steady hands. My co-worker has noted this when comparing our photos. On the other hand, he seems to get more out of our lighting. Swings and roundabouts . . .

    1. quercuscommunity Post author

      Thank you. They are a rare high point in modern coin design. For some reason I wasn’t able to get decent shots last week but the ones I took two years ago came out well. One of the mysteries of photography. Same camera, same lights but different result.

  2. Lavinia Ross

    The Britannia coins are really beautiful. Thanks for posting those for readers to enjoy. Those photos of them are outstanding.

    A good night’s sleep can cure a host of ills. I am trying for more and better quality sleep myself.

    I am too far from the coast to see cormorants here in my area, but do get over to the shore once a month now.

  3. arlingwoman

    You’ll be fine. Sometimes people need to rest for a while. When you really have some ideas, you’ll make time and then maybe get a schedule. I think the past two years have been a shredder for ambition, intention, routine and assorted other things…


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