A Few Notes

For those of you who wanted to know more about the wooden figures at Carsington Water here is a link. It’s unlikely I will see more, as I’m no longer able to walk eight miles to see them all, so you will have to make do with these pictures.

Theer are more details here, and here. They all have  a slightly different take on the sculptures, and different photographs.

Seeing that they cost £20,000, I am once again struck by regret that I didn’t know quite how much money was available for Arts Grants in the days I was active and self-employed. This isn’t a snide comment about art, in case you think my Phillistine side is showing, I’m equally envious of people who set up perfectly legal charities to allow them to run nice cars and indulge in foreign travel.

The Water Vole is an older carving, set up before the others. I think there were several others in the past, but they have now rotted, as they tend to do.


Wooden Water Vole at Carsington

This is, if my counting is correct, my ninth day of attempting to write two posts a day. So far the average of two posts a day is holding up, even if it hasn’t been an exact two a day. This post plus one other will see me through the day and will leave me with just 40% of the challenge to complete. Or less, I think I actually said a fortnight, though I’ve been calculating based on fifteen.

After that I really should get back to writing haibun. I’ve drifted away from them recently and need to get back to writing. There’s a fine line between recharging your batteries and losing impetus. That has happened to me many times in the past, a new project slows to a stop as an even newer project comes to the front. I don’t consciously stop doing things I just move on to something else.

It’s like this challenge – two posts a day for two weeks. It was meant to get my numbers up after the week locked out of WP, get me back into practise and use up the backlog of material I was accumulating, like the Gairsoppa story.

I’m getting the numbers back, I’m feeling the flow return, but I have written about new stuff like shopping lists and wooden carvings and still have a lot of the backlog left.

I should do less and finish more.

11 thoughts on “A Few Notes

  1. Pingback: Scone Chronicles 36 | quercuscommunity

  2. Helen

    Good to find out more about the sculptures. Parking is much cheaper than Yorkshire Sculpture Park and will make an interesting change!

  3. Lavinia Ross

    That is a beautiful water vole carving. Unfortunately, Mankind has exported invasive species all over the world. The fur industry imported the nutria (coypu) here, and many other places around the globe. I read it was practically wiped out in its home range in South America.

      1. quercuscommunity

        I regret that I didn’t see one while they were about, though I think they did need to go. A lot of the Fen fields are lower than the water level in the drains and burrowing into the banks was not good. 🙂

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