Another Senior Moment

I could get away with it, because nobody could prove I was lying about the meeting, but I’ve had another senior moment of massive proportions.

After finishing the last post, I published it, shut the computer off and nipped up to the toilet. At my age you really do appreciate your mother’s advice about going before you go out. (That sounds better in my head than it looks on paper).

After saying goodbye to Julia I decided, for some reason, to double check my card. It seems that the meeting isn’t tonight. It’s next Monday.

Looking on the bright side, I should be able to re-use some of the post from a couple of days ago – the one that talks about the framework knitters.

As my brain softens a little more I will probably be able to watch TV without realising it’s all repeats.

I may even become good at dominoes. My Dad doesn’t remember who I am, but he still wiped the floor with me at dominoes last week. And he never played before he was eighty.

It’s an ill wind that blows no good.





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