Another Day of Mixed Fortunes

The good news is that I had a slightly better day domestically. I’ve nearly been forgiven for the laundry debacle (despite my protestations that, being poorer by two pens, I’m actually the victim here) and after a liberal helping of  bleach we’ve nearly restored the white blouses.

Breakfast demonstrated the folly of buying cheap cereal. It was my own fault for shopping whilst in the grip of an economy drive. However, as I’m keener on saving money than I am on eating expensive hamster food the cheerless breakfast may be a fixture for some time to come. Or I may eat more eggs. Eggs, as I often remarked during my time in the poultry industry are both economical and nutritious.

If I save money on food I can spend more on visiting piers. And replacing Julia’s linen tops.


View from the end of Southwold Pier

My main project for the day on eBay was to split the English coin section of the on-line shop between decimal and pre-decimal sections. There’s no real instruction book for eBay and it took a couple of tries to find the right method, not helped by a set of instructions that left several things out.

I won’t bore you with the details, but it took four hours in the back of a stuffy shop to get it nearly done. Actually that isn’t quite true – the first two hours were stuffy, but the final two hours, after we opened the back doors, were like working in a wind tunnel. A very boring wind tunnel.

Apart from that I packed parcels, put three Edwardian Love Tokens up for auction and put eight railway medallions up for sale.

The sixpence (above) is actually 20mm in diameter and the threepences are 16mm. I managed to lose the scale when I took the photos. I missed out the obverses from the bottom two as they are the same head as the top one. Once you’ve seen one bald king you’ve seen them all.

It doesn’t sound much of a day but I think it’s seen off a fair number of brain cells as I decline.



21 thoughts on “Another Day of Mixed Fortunes

  1. Donnalee

    I am still in hopes of Regency stuff. How can I find out if you have any, or what the ebay for the shop is etc. so I can look myself? Thanks.

      1. Donnalee

        Thanks. I go there and look for Regency and it shows me something from 1841 and calls it ‘a search with fewer words’. It was fewer words indeed.

      2. quercuscommunity

        I’m not sure we have anything Regency, though we should do better than 1841. I will look tomorrow when I’m on the computer – the boss is away so I will have time…

    1. quercuscommunity

      We bought some great oatmeal last year, direct from a mill. Wonderful stuff but I’m ashamed to say I’m too lazy and disorganised for porridge. Must do better, as my reports always used to say.

      1. Donnalee

        You can throw some in a bowl and pour hot water in and call it done in a minute or few. I’d add good things to it, but that’s just me.

      2. Donnalee

        Really? I find that a bit helps it all taste better. There needs to be cinnamon too. I am sure everyone has a different approach, but that’s the winning recipe for mine. Oh, and a touch of butter. Ah! That might wind up being dinner tonight–

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