Improvement at last!

The cold finally started to improve yesterday. I started to write a post on that subject, found inspiration came slowly and, eventually, fell asleep in my chair. Waking at just after midnight I humphed at missing a day on the blog and went to bed.

The clock went off this morning, waking me from a dream where Julia and I were about to embark, as newly-weds, on an academic career at an American University in the 1940s. I think I was vaguely remembering something I’d read in the biography section of a poetry book recently, probably about Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath, but as I’m not from Yorkshire and we don’t have a gas oven it’s not a 100% fit.

Julia is now at work, I’m feeling optimistic about my prospects for the day and I now have approximately eight hours ahead of me in which to achieve either greatness or inner peace, or possibly both.

A cup of tea seems like a good starting point for either of those results, so I think I’ll go and put the kettle on.

The photograph is from the Suffolk trip, but it has tea in it so it will do as a library shot.


Selfie in a teapot


23 thoughts on “Improvement at last!

  1. Lavinia Ross

    Good to hear you are doing better. Tea and crumpets can only brighten the mood. There is an old poem about tea my mother used to recite.

    A good cup of tea
    is acknowledged to be
    a famous restorer in sadness.
    It quickens life’s flame
    and enlivens the frame
    and imparts a spirit of gladness.

  2. Laurie Graves

    So good you are feeling better. I have found that a cup of tea can work wonders. Always makes everything seem better.

    1. quercuscommunity

      Ah, well having failed with the inner peace and greatness I went to TESCO then had another go at Inner Peace before waking up in front of the TV and picking Julia up from work. Tomorrow I have a free afternoon to try for greatness.

      1. beatingthebounds

        Free afternoon – that should do it. How long can it take when you out your mind to it?

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