Bits and Pieces

The featured image is included as an example of what can go wrong in photography for ebay. A highly polished medallion can, for instance, act as a mirror, as you can see from the image of my camera lens.

The case, as you can see, is also a great way of reflecting fluorescent tubes.

I clearly need to add some non-reflective techniques to my repertoire. Some photographs I took of cased coin sets actually reflected my face, leading people to believe that they had been taken by Santa’s less cheerful brother. I didn’t preserve any of them.

The photographs shown below are what the weather looked like on Sunday. It’s difficult to believe when you look back, as wwe had a bit of a heat wave yesterday, with temperature up to 12 degrees C (or 53 degrees F  for those of you who use it).

I’m struggling for inspiration tonight – I think it’s leaking from the holes in my arms, as noted, here, here and here. And here too.  Or I may just be looking to increase traffic around the blog by linking to recent posts.  I really should stop reading those articles on Search Engine Optimisation…


14 thoughts on “Bits and Pieces

  1. beatingthebounds

    I’ve often wondered abut this – how do film-makers manage those scenes they seem so fond of where a character talks to their own image in a mirror? I was watching Ben Kingsley do this in ‘Sexy Beast’ the other night and wondering why I couldn’t see the camera or any crew or lights. Clearly, there is a way around the problem.

    1. quercuscommunity

      A lot of it is in angles and distance – I’ve taken pictures of people in mirrors before without too much trouble. With the medallion and coin sets you have to be close and the shop lights glare. I may look at a tracing paper tent to diffuse the light.

      1. beatingthebounds

        Somebody, somewhere will have written a blog post or posted a video about how to do it. How did we ever manage before?

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