Spring has sprung

I’m finally confident that spring is here, though I’m still waiting to see how good it will be.

I had an errand to run in North Nottinghamshire today – the car temperature gauge rose as high as 21.5 degrees C and there was no wind. It was so nice I actually took off a layer of clothing. Even now at 6.30 pm the farm weather station is showing 19 degrees.

Add that to multiple swallow sightings and an increase in butterflies (one Orange Tip, two Brimstone, a Small Tortoiseshell and I lost count of the whites) and it’s a definite step up in quality of days.

One creepy thing that happened this morning was that when I switched Google on it was showing birthday cakes. Nothing too creepy there, I admit, but when I clicked to see who was having a birthday it turned out to be me. That’s just a little bit too much marketing for my taste. I half expect to turn on to a picture of a corpse and find the message “Google knows what you did last summer , Simon”. Not that have I killed anyone, but having a major search engine wish you a happy birthday is a strange sensation.

Today, in the photographs, I’m going for a cuteness overload. And a picture of good weather.


7 thoughts on “Spring has sprung

  1. Clem

    So… trusting that Google is right, and it is indeed your birthday, let me wish you the happiest. And I have to agree it does seem a bit creepy having a global corporation reach into your personal world like that. I suppose creepier still would be their displaying ads so specific to age and other personal issues that one might imagine they are constantly in your hip pocket as you go through your busy day. Oh wait, they almost are.

    Cute puppy, btw. He (she?) appears to be on a mission. Likely sizing up potential birthday presents to leave at your doorstep. Let’s see Google compete with that!

    1. quercuscommunity

      Thank you. It went well and so far I’ve had no ads for anything age-related. 😉

      She was indeed on a mission – if there are chickens to be chased she is the girl. Fortunately, with short legs and more enthusiasm than brains, she is constantly outmanoeuvred by the poultry. Apart from the geese – she tends to avoid them. We all do.


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