Bread and good company

Where does all the time go?

It only seems like yesterday that I was writing about Saturday’s events on Monday and now it’s Thursday.

That means that not only has the week gone, but it’s left me without much time to finish my week’s work. That seems to be constant at the moment – like elementary subtraction I always seem to be borrowing one. In this case it isn’t from the next column but from the next day.

Monday was a blur, partly caused by a flare-up of arthritis and partly by lack of sleep from the day before. It wasn’t a very productive day either, which always seems to be the way when you have too many jobs to fit the available time. Tuesday, I went to a funeral while Julia hosted a day in the country for 20 kids in foster care (and pinged one on the electric fence to bring her year’s total up to 3). On Wednesday I caught up with Monday jobs, juiced some apples and made soup.

Today I attended the bread group, ate the soup with them (it’s pumpkin soup – hence the jar of seeds in the picture), bottled juice, made more soup and emailed Men in Sheds to remind them about the soup.

I have so many jobs to do, and am getting so few of them done, it seems like my ears are moving further apart to accommodate the stuff crammed in my head. I’m assuming this is untrue, as my glasses still fit, but I’m definitely feeling like I need to find a free day to catch up.

Here are some pictures.


Looks like people were enjoying themselves…


Personally I wouldn’t have done it this way


Or this


Sitting down for soup and companionship – the “com” and “pan”  translate as “With bread”. Seems right to me.


Hand made, artisan, rustic…

3 thoughts on “Bread and good company

  1. Pingback: I can’t remember quantities | quercuscommunity

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